Tire matsFor a vehicle to be safe and sound as a whole, the quality and status of all its parts are fundamental, especially the tires. Your tires are your car’s contact point to the ground unless you roll it over often. Therefore they are the most important parts your car has if you really want a safe drive. Of course, you also have to protect your tires when your vehicle is stationary. Most people who buy a classic or a high-end luxury vehicle would want to store them for weeks without moving because of depreciation and costs.

This article would like to explain how you can protect your tires and what kind of measurements you can take while protecting your tires. We especially would like to draw attention to vital points such as preventing flat-spotting, deformation, and dryness. You will find out why they are essential for a safe driving experience.

How Often Do You Need to Check Your Tires?

The reliability of a tool or a part that can give up at any point is doubtful. Therefore, all aspects of a vehicle should be checked for integrity and regularly repaired; otherwise, minor problems will combine to cause significant problems in function. Tires are not an exception; they need constant care.
Tires are the most critical parts that make the car exist. Therefore, drivers should at least check their tires' health once a month – a check that only a few do. Usually, people prefer to check them during season changes, which is just not enough. Not checking the tires' health can cause many problems in the long run. There are many things to consider with tires, especially in terms of driving experience and safety. Most people have an idea of what a 'good' car looks like, but there are also features that need extreme attention to owning a good car.

The Importance of Storage for Tires

The tires have a structure that looks simple from the outside. It doesn't seem like it needs any maintenance or attention on it, but this is just an illusion. Like every part of a car, tires are made of materials with specific properties, and they should always be protected. If not, you can easily spoil the nature of these materials or damage their functions. After storing your vehicle for an average of 4 weeks, it becomes easier and simpler to damage the tires. This time may vary depending on the material and quality of the tire. Still, statistically, the probability of damage always increases as time goes on because the percentage of exposure increases. 

When you need to store your classic or luxury car for more than a certain period, many questions may arise in your mind; this is quite normal. However, there are many points to consider to have a healthy driving experience after storage. Sometimes, getting help from technology and proper equipment positively affects your car’s function and the driving experience in the future. Attempting to drive with non-functioning or malfunctioning tires poses a potential danger to the health of both the car and the driver. Therefore, you should follow the recommendations to ensure the tires' health during storage and take care of them correctly.

Your vehicle will be spending a considerable amount of time away from normal motion, which is against the nature of the wheels and needs attention. By taking your own precautions, you will make a significant investment in your vehicle by considering all possible points.